Minimisation and Improvement


Implementing the Alqueva Multipurpose Project (EFMA) is particularly complex due to the size of the area of intervention, largely related to the area planned for hydro-agriculture, the interconnection and multiplicity of its water infrastructures and cutting-edge technology involved.

Working in a territory with such a large group of infrastructures is only possible if accompanied by careful measures that do not compromise its sustainability over time.

In the environmental field, the project’s sustainability is based on a commitment to minimise and offset the project’s impacts, further know-how and boost positive impacts.

As promoter of the EFMA, EDIA therefore accepts its environmental responsibility and bases its activity on strict criteria when pursuing its environmental policy, specially the use of environmental management suited to its mission and compliance with legislation and environmental commitments, while also endeavouring never to compromise the development potential of the EFMA area of intervention.

The project’s overall vision still requires more detailed environmental analysis and division of the system’s infrastructures.
Based on this, prior to any EFMA infrastructure building (dams, channels or irrigation perimeter), current legislation guarantees potentially associated environmental impact assessments, which includes defining appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures.

This assessment includes a wide range of indicators and results in the issue by the governing body of an environmental impact statement (EIS) for each project. This ensures, right in the planning stage, that projects do not compromise medium and long-term environmental sustainability, as the competent authorities define and approve measures for minimising and offsetting the impacts of the infrastructure.

The main aim of these measures is to ensure that construction and operation of a facility that does not have an irreversible effect on environmental factors which are essential to the conservation of natural resources.