

Environmental monitoring is an important management tool for ascertaining the status of reference and watching different environmental indicators. EDIA’s monitoring:

  • Monitors environmental variables in the Alqueva Multipurpose Project’s catchment area (EFMA)
  • Collects and compiles decision-making data for the EFMA’s management and operation
  • Assesses the efficacy of mitigation measures in different environmental  area and proposes new ones if necessary.

EDIA’s Environmental Management Programme (EMP 2005), which was approved by Joint Ordinance 1050/2005 of 6 December of the Ministry of the Environment, Territorial Planning and Regional Development and Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries provides for the promotion and coordination of the design and implementation of environmental monitoring programmes for different aspects of the EFMA.

EDIA is responsible for monitoring environmental factors in the EFMA’s different phases:

  • Status of surface bodies of water
  • Status of underground bodies of water
  • Fauna and flora
  • Soils